ssp 2015
Shodor > SUCCEED > Workshops > Archive > ssp 2015

During the morning, Dr. Panoff reviewed the material covered earlier this week,including Javascript, parallel computing, and web development. After this review, Dr. Panoff covered two additional topics: Diffusion and Hill Climbing. Diffusion describes the giving off of a "scent" by a certain agent, and Hill Climbing describes the following of the “scent" by another agent. These concepts could be used in the students’ models to have agents follow other agents. Then, Dr. Panoff presented the project to the students. The project could be an expansion, a combination, or a completely separate project from the one last week. The students then formed groups, decided on topics, and worked on their projects for the remainder of the day. Each group turned in a brief summary of their project for the instructors to look at and approve. The projects will be presented Friday afternoon to family members and friends.