programmingHS 2013
Shodor > SUCCEED > Workshops > Archive > programmingHS 2013

The programming concepts workshop on Thursday, June 20, 2013 covered topics based on JavaScript programming. The beginning of the workshop started off with a review from the previous day about for loops. Afterwards, Rahul Tomar lectured about JavaScript Objects. Within this time, he described the difference between classes and objects, which is essentially that objects are specific things while classes are general groups of things that share the same properties. He also explained how to set variables in JavaScript. Then, students were asked to download a partially completed code and with instruction, asked to fully complete it. The students had to pull from knowledge they gained through the workshop and any previous knowledge.

Afterwards, Eric Horton gave a presentation on programming JavaScript on a canvas. Since a basic knowledge of HTML elements was necessary to understand the presentation, Eric refreshed the class on HTML beforehand.

The ultimate goal of the canvas presentation was to create basic animations on the canvas. Since animations are not supported on canvas, it was explained that the movement of the images was actually the images being created and disappearing quickly in different areas.

At the end of the workshop, the students were assigned a project for the next day in which they needed to create a disease model based on what they learned throughout the week.