programmingHS 2013
Shodor > SUCCEED > Workshops > Archive > programmingHS 2013

The Programming Concepts workshop started out with an explanation of the Acceptable Use Policy for the workshop students. The Acceptable Use Policy explained what they were and weren't able to use the computer for during their time at Shodor. Then, there was a lecture on "Thinking Like a Computer", where Aaron talked about the behavior of a computer and binary. There was then a activity where students were asked to build a calendar on the whiteboard using the language that one might see when programming. It demonstrated the type of language you'd use while programming and the nature in which you write the code. Eric then showed the class how to use TextWrangler and Safari to write and test Javascript. Next, Rahul did a lecture where they went over the different Data Types and Variables in Javascript. The class ended with an activity where the workshop students modified Javascript code to determine the behavior of gas particles in the "Ideal Gas Model".