math 2013
Shodor > SUCCEED > Workshops > Archive > math 2013

At the beginning of class today, Jenny Jones, our instructor for the day, gathered the students around a table and presented them with three "doors". One of the students chose a door, and then the instructor opened one of the un-chosen doors to show that it had nothing behind it. The instructor then said that behind one of the two remaining doors had a prize and the other had nothing; the instructor then asked if the student wanted to switch to the door that they did not pick, or if they wanted to stay.

The students were then informed that this classic problem was called the Monty Door problem, and it helped to demonstrate the idea of probability. Using a bar graphing tool, the students could see how increasing the number of doors, and then switching, provided a better chance of winning. The students were then asked how they might be able to display the data differently, and several types of graphs were suggested.

In order to gather data so that it could be displayed in several types of graphs, the students were asked to provide the instructor with data, in this case, the data would be goals made in paper football. After all the matches, the data was displayed on a bar graph, and on a pie chart. Since the data was on two different types of graphs, the students were able to see how different graphs help show different things about the data.