programmingHS 2012
Shodor > SUCCEED > Workshops > Archive > programmingHS 2012

Today the class focused on strings and variables. Doug taught the class how to encrypt a message in JavaScript. The students worked through an exercise that allowed them to understand why certain things work in variables and how they are supposed to be defined. The students were very interested to figure out how to change the module operator. All of this was designed to introduce strings: the variables that control the functions. The group went through another activity with the developer tools in Firefox and Safari. Doug set up an example of a code with a bug in it and challenged the students to both find the bug, and to fix it using the developer menu. The students debated about what code should go where and it showed how much they were understanding and enjoying the experience.

After a short break, the students created a calendar using JavaScript. They started by creating a grid made entirely out of variables. Once everyone had a simple grid made, Doug challenged the students to make their own code for this instead of simply following his walkthrough. By the end of the day, the class had successfully created working calendars using Javascript, and even branched out to experiment with their own ideas inside some of the code work!