iphone 2012
Shodor > SUCCEED > Workshops > Archive > iphone 2012

Today, Rob continued to work with the workshop students to develop their iPhone applications. The applications choose a random six-letter word from the book Moby Dick. Then, the program scrambles the letters. The user proceeds to try to guess the gradually unscrambling word within 10 seconds, which is when the problem automatically solves itself. The program scrambles the guessed word by switching two random letters. Then, the program takes that word and switches it with another. This repeats a total of ten times. Then, it reverts the changes, gradually unscrambling the word.

After the break, Rob continued to help the workshop students on their work on the project. He showed the students more features of X-code including neater visual effects such as underscores in buttons representing letters that have not been filled yet. Later, the students began to work with adding a win system into the program as well letting the user enter the possible letters of the word into the series of six slots. The program checks if the six letters of the word have been filled. Then, if those words match the original word, a popup appears saying that the player won.