modeling 2011
Shodor > SUCCEED > Workshops > Archive > modeling 2011

Monte and Alexandra taught this class. He started off the class by asking the students what they have learned throughout the week. Alexandra told the students they would be making their own models to present choosing from NetLogo, AgentSheets, and Vensim. Half chose to do NetLogo and the other AgentShetets. Many project consisted of agents that could turn into other agents or into exact replicas of the original.

Many of the students had not completely finished their project but had enough to present. There were models that had sound incorporated into them like music, shouts, and statements. After each student presented their model one of the students as well as Monte would ask different questions. The most common question was “what made you choose to make this model?” The students were also asked, if anything, what they would change if they were to do the model again. This was able to cause a discussion of the parts of their models. There were even a few students who wanted to continue working on their models even after they finished with their presentations.