Math Explorations 2011
Shodor > SUCCEED > Workshops > Archive > Math Explorations 2011

The workshop started with a letter from a P. B. Chocolate who asked the students to find out which color M+M buyers preferred, how many of each color of M+Ms were in a bag, and what the experimental probability of picking each color was. They were split up into three groups with each group doing a different test. Each group was tasked with making a presentation that included a graph of the data and the mean, median, and mode. Most groups used Excel to make graphs and also drew them, but one group used the Interactivate applet Histogram to make their graph. Each group presented their data to the class then went on break.

After break, the workshop students were split into groups again, but this time they were asked to make a game using probability. After creating their games, they were asked to record data from their game. They were not told what data they had to record so they had to decide that for themselves. The students worked on creating their games and collecting data from them for a while then finished up the workshop by presenting their games and data.