Programming 2009
Shodor > SUCCEED > Workshops > Archive > Programming 2009

Today Matt Desvoig showed the students the Interactivate applet SIR Model to show them an example of what they were trying to model with Netlogo. An SIR Model (Susceptible Infected Recovering) is a model of an infection on an given population. He showed them through the SIR model the effect of an infection on a population, and how the applet modeled this. He then worked with the students to complete the Netlogo program they had been working on. He worked with them and helped them place an initial healthy population and one sick agent into the Netlogo program. Using various functions and other code in Netlogo they were able to begin the initial steps to making a Netlogo program similar to the SIR model.

After break, Matt showed the students code and explaining what it did. He also worked with them so that they would try to figure out what was needed for the model to be successful. After finishing the program Matt tested it for errors and bugs and helped the students who had errors. He then ran the program and showed them how the program ran with a graph containing sick, healthy, and recovering people and another window modeling the sick people moving around. After showing the students the running program Matt helped any remaining students with errors. In the end, the class was successful in teaching students more about Netlogo, and helping them create a real life SIR model.