Shodor Computational Science Institute

[ SCSI Hyper-Syllabus ]


The day starts as usual with the problem of the day:

The Non-Linear Pendulum

The nonlinear pendulum arises when one must have the equations of motion for a pendulum with large displacement values. This is very different from the elementary physics approach, which uses a linearization to make the problem easier to handle...

Stella to Java

The first mini-session of the day was on Stella and Java. Bob demonstrated the tool...

Teaching Modeling with Writing Projects

Holly discussed how she uses writing projects to teach modeling.

After lunch, Dan did a short presentation on the Pendulum problem.

Partnering with Shodor and Grant Opportunities

Bob finishes the sessions with a presentation on how to create partnerships and obtain grants.

Many people spent much of the day in the lab preparing their presentations for tomorrow.

Last Update: July 22, 2000
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