program fire include "" include 'mpif.h' integer i_rank,i_size,ierr double precision f_avbn(n_prob) double precision f_prob(n_prob) double precision f_stor(n_prob) integer i_stat(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) call MPI_Init(ierr) call MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,i_rank,ierr) call MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD,i_size,ierr) call init() c ------------------------- loop over probabilities f_minp=0.0 f_maxp=1.0 f_delp = (f_maxp-f_minp)/(n_prob-1) do i_prob=1,n_prob f_prob(i_prob)=f_minp+(i_prob-1)*f_delp; f_avbn(i_prob) = 0.0; c --------------------- loop over trials c --------------------- split loop over nodes do i_try=1,n_try/i_size call burn(f_prob(i_prob)) f_avbn(i_prob) = f_avbn(i_prob) + f_prbn() enddo f_avbn(i_prob)=f_avbn(i_prob)/n_try enddo if (i_rank.eq.0) then do i=1,i_size-1 call MPI_Recv(f_stor,n_prob,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,i,999, ~ MPI_COMM_WORLD,i_stat,ierr) do j=1,n_prob f_avbn(j)=f_avbn(j)+f_stor(j) enddo enddo else call MPI_Send(f_avbn,n_prob,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0,999, ~ MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr) endif c ------------------------- output results if (i_rank.eq.0) then do i_prob=1,n_prob write(*,*) f_prob(i_prob),f_avbn(i_prob) enddo endif call MPI_Finalize(ierr) end c--------------------------------------- c burn the forest til fire is out c--------------------------------------- subroutine burn(f_prob) double precision f_prob include "" call init_f() 10 if (i_fout().eq.0) then call f_burn(f_prob) goto 10 endif end c--------------------------------------- c initialize program c--------------------------------------- subroutine init include "" integer i_time(3) call itime(i_time) i_seed = i_time(1)+i_time(2)+i_time(3) call srand(i_seed) c set up definitions of forest state i_unbt=0; i_smld=1; i_brng=2; i_brnt=3; end c--------------------------------------- c set up the forest c--------------------------------------- subroutine init_f include "" c initialize forest do i=1,n_frst do j=1,n_frst i_frst(i,j)=i_unbt enddo enddo c start middle tree smoldering i_frst(n_frst/2,n_frst/2)=i_smld end c--------------------------------------- c is the fire out? c--------------------------------------- integer function i_fout() include "" i_fout=1; do i=1,n_frst do j=1,n_frst if(i_frst(i,j).eq.i_smld.or.i_frst(i,j).eq.i_brng) then i_fout=0; endif enddo enddo end c--------------------------------------- c calculate percentage burned c--------------------------------------- double precision function f_prbn() include "" f_sum=0.0; f_size=n_frst*n_frst; do i=1,n_frst do j=1,n_frst if (i_frst(i,j).eq.i_brnt) f_sum=f_sum+1.0; enddo enddo f_prbn = f_sum/f_size; end c--------------------------------------- c burn one step through the fire c--------------------------------------- subroutine f_burn(f_prob) double precision f_prob include "" do i=1,n_frst do j=1,n_frst if (i_frst(i,j).eq.i_brng) i_frst(i,j)=i_brnt; if (i_frst(i,j).eq.i_smld) i_frst(i,j)=i_brng; enddo enddo do i=1,n_frst do j=1,n_frst if (i_frst(i,j).eq.i_brng) then if ( then if(rand().lt.f_prob.and. ~ i_frst(i-1,j).eq.i_unbt) then i_frst(i-1,j)=i_smld endif endif if ( then if(rand().lt.f_prob.and. ~ i_frst(i+1,j).eq.i_unbt) then i_frst(i+1,j)=i_smld endif endif if ( then if(rand().lt.f_prob.and. ~ i_frst(i,j-1).eq.i_unbt) then i_frst(i,j-1)=i_smld endif endif if ( then if(rand().lt.f_prob.and. ~ i_frst(i,j+1).eq.i_unbt) then i_frst(i,j+1)=i_smld endif endif endif enddo enddo end