Aerodynamic roughness lengths

The table below, from Stulls "Meteorology for Scientists and Engineers", shows the Davenport-Wieringa roughness-length classifcations.

Aerodynamic roughness length(m) Classification Landscape
0.0002 sea sea, paved areas, snow-covered flat plain, tide flat, smooth desert
0.005 smooth beaches, pack ice, morass, snow-covered fields
0.03 open grass prarie or farm fields, tundra, airports, heather
0.1 roughly open cultivated area with low crops and occasional obstacles (single bushes)
0.25 rough high crops, crops of varied height, scattered obstacles such as trees or hedgerows, vineyards
0.5 very rough mixed farm fields and forest clumps, orchards, scattered buildings
1.0 closed regular coverage with large size obstacles with open spaces roughly equal to obstacle heights, suburban houses, villages, natural forests
Greater than or equal to 2 chaotic centers of large towns and cities, irregular forests with scattered clearings