Application vs. Algorithm

This form allows experimentation with the application of SimSurface or with the algorithm or both.

By varying the physical parameters of the model being studied (number of electrons and the wall charges) you are changing the application, as you are changing what system is being annealed.

By changing the cooling factor (the rate at which the system cools) or the iterations per temperature block (how long the system stays at each temperature before it is cooled further), you are changing the algorithm as you are changing how the system anneals.

And, of course, you are free to change both. A careful numerical experiment will try to isolate one effect at a time.

More detail on all aspects of SimSurface is available on the information page.

Please enter the following parameters:

Random Seed:

Number of electrons (1-64):

Charge on top wall (1-40):

Charge on bottom wall (1-40):

Charge on left wall (1-40):

Charge on right wall (1-40):

Cooling factor:

Iterations per block:

Ben Davenport
The Shodor Education Foundation, Inc.