King Fraction

Tell your students the following story and have them participate as if they lived in the kingdom.

Once upon a time there was a kingdom located in a small valley in the middle of the Treturous Mountains. The inhabitants of this kingdom were very happy because they lived on the only inhabitable land for 100 miles. The kingdom's king, King Fraction, was a fair and generous king. King Fraction's favorite hobby was to ensure everyone in his kingdom loved fractions as much as he did. King Fraction tested his subjects love of fractions at least four times a day by calling the entire kingdom together and having them play his fraction game. For the King it was thoroughly enjoyable to watch his subject scramble around trying to follow his orders. Those subjects who participated where handsomely rewarded each month with a large shipment of food.

Turn around and put on home made crown.

I am king fraction and you are my faithful subjects. Faithful subjects could you please arrange yourselves in 2 equal groups. If there are any people remaining please step into the waiting area.

Have the students arrange themselves in 2 equal groups.

Excellent, faithful subjects! Who can tell their king how many subjects there are in 1 of the 2 groups?

Student answer

Excellent! I have 30 subjects. When you place yourselves in 2 equal groups there are 15 people in each group. Therefore 15 is equal to 1/2 of my subjects. 1/2 meaning 1 of the 2 groups.

Now, my faithful subjects could you please arrange yourselves in 3 equal groups. If there are any people remaining please step into the waiting area.

Excellent, faithful subjects! Who can tell their king how many subjects there are in 3 of the 3 groups?

Student answer

Excellent! I have 30 subjects. When you place yourselves in three equal groups there are 10 people in each group. Therefore, 30 is equal to 3/3 of my subjects. 3/3 meaning all 3 of the 3 groups.

Who can tell their king how many subjects there are in 1 of the 3 groups?

Student answer

Excellent! I have 30 subjects. When you place yourselves in three equal groups there are 10 people in each group. Therefore 10 is equal to 1/3 of my subjects. 1/3 meaning 1 of the 3 groups.

Continue with this scenario until you believe the students are making the connection between the number of total groups and the denominator. Also, make sure the students can identify the determining factor for the numerator.