Math Thematics

Book 2 Contents - Activities Alignment

Book 1   Book 3

Each of the links below will take you to an activity to explore to learn about the underlined concept. On each activity you will see:

These buttons take you to more information about the activity. Be sure to press the What? button to find out about other activities that help with the same or similar concepts.

  1. Making Choices

  2. Search and Rescue

  3. A Universal Language

    • Prime Factorization, Common Factors, Common Multiples, Comparing Fractions, Adding and Subtracting Fractions, Tree Diagrams and Probability, Renaming Fractions and Mixed Numbers, Integer Exponents, Scientific Notation, Metric Conversions, Constructing Triangles, Multiplication and Division Equations

  4. The Art of Motion

  5. Recreation

  6. Flights of Fancy

  7. Health and Wellness

  8. Heart of the City