
Aligned Resources

Shodor > Interactivate > Standards > Virginia Standards of Learning: 4th Grade > Aligned Resources

Virginia Standards of Learning
4th Grade
Patterns, Functions, and Algebra:
Lesson  (...)
Lesson: Introduces students to the idea of finding number patterns in the generation of several different types of fractals.

Lesson: Shows students that number patterns exist in the Pascal's Triangle, and reinforces student's ability to identify patterns.

Activity  (...)
Activity: Recognize patterns in a series of shapes, numbers, or letters. After determining the pattern, the student fills in the missing pieces. Three levels of difficulty are available.

Activity: Step through the generation of Sierpinski's Carpet -- a fractal made from subdividing a square into nine smaller squares and cutting the middle one out. Explore number patterns in sequences and geometric properties of fractals.

Activity: Step through the generation of Sierpinski's Triangle -- a fractal made from subdividing a triangle into four smaller triangles and cutting the middle one out. Explore number patterns in sequences and geometric properties of fractals.

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