
Aligned Resources

Shodor > Interactivate > Standards > North Carolina Standard Course of Study: Grade 8 > Aligned Resources

North Carolina Standard Course of Study
Grade 8
Number and Operations, Measurement, Geometry, Data Analysis and Probability, Algebra:
COMPETENCY GOAL 1: The learner will understand and compute with real numbers.
Lesson  (...)
Lesson: Introduces students to modular (clock) arithmetic and how modular arithmetic can be used to encode messages using simple shift, multiple and affine ciphers.

Lesson: Students practice arithmetic skills. Can be tailored for practice of all types of single operation arithmetic ranging from simple addition to operations with integers and decimals.

Lesson: Students will learn about modular arithmetic in order to decipher encrypted messages.

Activity  (...)
Activity: Work with various types of clocks in order to learn about modular arithmetic operations. Parameters: Number of hours on the clock.

Activity: This activity operates in one of two modes: auto draw and create shape mode, allowing you to explore relationships between area and perimeter. Shape Builder is one of the Interactivate assessment explorers.

Activity: Manipulate dimensions of polyhedra, and watch how the surface area and volume change. Parameters: Type of polyhedron, length, width and height. Surface Area and Volume one of the Interactivate assessment explorers.

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