
Virginia Standards of Learning: Secondary

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Virginia Standards of Learning
Standard Category  (...)
Algebra I

Algebra II

Algebra II and Trigonometry
  • AII/T.01 The student will identify field properties, axioms of equality and inequality, and properties of order that are valid for the set of real numbers and its subsets, complex numbers, and matrices.
  • AII/T.02 The student will add, subtract, multiply, divide, and simplify rational expressions, including complex fractions.
  • AII/T.03a The student will add, subtract, multiply, divide, and simplify radical expressions containing positive rational numbers and variables and expressions containing rational exponents.
  • AII/T.03b The student will write radical expressions as expressions containing rational exponents and vice versa.
  • AII/T.04 The student will solve absolute value equations and inequalities graphically and algebraically. Graphing calculators will be used as a primary method of solution and to verify algebraic solutions.
  • AII/T.05 The student will identify and factor completely polynomials representing the difference of squares, perfect square trinomials, the sum and difference of cubes, and general trinomials.
  • AII/T.06 The student will select, justify, and apply a technique to solve a quadratic equation over the set of complex numbers. Graphing calculators will be used for solving and for confirming the algebraic solutions.
  • AII/T.07 The student will solve equations containing rational expressions and equations containing radical expressions algebraically and graphically. Graphing calculators will be used for solving and for confirming the algebraic solutions.
  • AII/T.08 The student will recognize multiple representations of functions (linear, quadratic, absolute value, step, and exponential functions) and convert between a graph, a table, and symbolic form. A transformational approach to graphing will be employed through the use of graphing calculators.
  • AII/T.09 The student will find the domain, range, zeros, and inverse of a function; the value of a function for a given element in its domain; and the composition of multiple functions. Functions will include exponential, logarithmic, and those that have domains and ranges that are limited and/or discontinuous. The graphing calculator will be used as a tool to assist in investigation of functions.
  • AII/T.10 The student will investigate and describe through the use of graphs the relationships between the solution of an equation, zero of a function, x-intercept of a graph, and factors of a polynomial expression.
  • AII/T.11 The student will use matrix multiplication to solve practical problems. Graphing calculators or computer programs with matrix capabilities will be used to find the product.
  • AII/T.12 The student will represent problem situations with a system of linear equations and solve the system, using the inverse matrix method. Graphing calculators or computer programs with matrix capability will be used to perform computations.
  • AII/T.13 The student will solve practical problems, using systems of linear inequalities and linear programming, and describe the results both orally and in writing. A graphing calculator will be used to facilitate solutions to linear programming problems.
  • AII/T.14 The student will solve nonlinear systems of equations, including linear-quadratic and quadratic-quadratic, algebraically and graphically. The graphing calculator will be used as a tool to visualize graphs and predict the number of solutions.
  • AII/T.15 The student will recognize the general shape of polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic functions. The graphing calculator will be used as a tool to investigate the shape and behavior of these functions.
  • AII/T.16 The student will investigate and apply the properties of arithmetic and geometric sequences and series to solve practical problems, including writing the first n terms, finding the nth term, and evaluating summation formulas. Notation will include Σ and an.
  • AII/T.17 The student will perform operations on complex numbers and express the results in simplest form. Simplifying results will involve using patterns of the powers of i.
  • AII/T.18 The student will identify conic sections (circle, ellipse, parabola, and hyperbola) from his/her equations. Given the equations in (h, k) form, the student will sketch graphs of conic sections, using transformations.
  • AII/T.19 The student will collect and analyze data to make predictions and solve practical problems. Graphing calculators will be used to investigate scatterplots and to determine the equation for a curve of best fit. Models will include linear, quadratic, exponential, and logarithmic functions.
  • AII/T.20 The student will identify, create, and solve practical problems involving inverse variation and a combination of direct and inverse variations.
  • AII/T.21 The student will use the definitions of the six trigonometric functions to find the sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant, and cosecant of an angle in standard position, given a point, other than the origin, on the terminal side of the angle. Circular function definitions will be connected with trigonometric function definitions.
  • AII/T.22 The student, given the value of one trigonometric function, will find the values of the other trigonometric functions. Properties of the unit circle and definitions of circular functions will be applied.
  • AII/T.23 The student will find without the aid of a calculating utility the values of the trigonometric functions of the special angles and their related angles as found in the unit circle. This will include converting radians to degrees and vice versa.
  • AII/T.24 The student will find with the aid of a calculator the value of any trigonometric function and inverse trigonometric function.
  • AII/T.25 The student will verify basic trigonometric identities and make substitutions, using the basic identities.
  • AII/T.26 The student, given one of the six trigonometric functions in standard form [e.g., y = A sin (Bx + C) + D, where A, B, C, and D are real numbers], will state the domain and the range of the function; determine the amplitude, period, phase shift, and vertical shift; and, sketch the graph of the function by using transformations for at least a one-period interval. The graphing calculator will be used to investigate the effect of changing A, B, C, and D on the graph of a trigonometric function.
  • AII/T.27 The student will identify the domain and range of the inverse trigonometric functions and recognize the graphs of these functions. Restrictions on the domains of the inverse trigonometric functions will be included.
  • AII/T.28 The student will solve trigonometric equations that include both infinite solutions and restricted domain solutions and solve basic trigonometric inequalities. Graphing utilities will be used to solve equations, check for reasonableness of results, and verify algebraic solutions.
  • AII/T.29 The student will identify, create, and solve practical problems involving triangles. Techniques will include using the trigonometric functions, the Pythagorean Theorem, the Law of Sines, and the Law of Cosines.

Algebra, Functions, and Data Analysis
  • AFDA.01 The student will investigate and analyze function (linear, quadratic, exponential, and logarithmic) families and their characteristics. Key concepts include continuity, local and absolute maxima and minima, domain and range, zeros, intercepts, intervals in which the function is increasing/decreasing, end behaviors, and asymptotes.
  • AFDA.02 The student will use knowledge of transformations to write an equation given the graph of a function (linear, quadratic, exponential, and logarithmic).
  • AFDA.03 The student will collect data and generate an equation for the curve (linear, quadratic, exponential, and logarithmic) of best fit to model real- world problems or applications. Students will use the best fit equation to interpolate function values, make decisions, and justify conclusions with algebraic and/or graphical models.
  • AFDA.04 The student will transfer between and analyze multiple representations of functions including algebraic formulae, graphs, tables, and words. Students will select and use appropriate representations for analysis, interpretation, and prediction.
  • AFDA.05 The student will determine optimal values in problem situations by identifying constraints and using linear programming techniques.
  • AFDA.06 The student will calculate probabilities. Key concepts include conditional probability, dependent and independent events, addition and multiplication rules, counting techniques (permutations and combinations), and Law of Large Numbers.
  • AFDA.07 The student will analyze the normal distribution. Key concepts include Characteristics of normally distributed data, percentiles, normalizing data using z-scores, area under the standard normal curve and probability.
  • AFDA.08 The student will design and conduct an experiment/survey. Key concepts include sample size, sampling technique, controlling sources of bias and experimental error, data collection and data analysis and reporting.

AP Calculus

Computer Mathematics
  • COM.01 The student will apply programming techniques and skills to solve practical problems in mathematics arising from consumer, business, other applications in mathematics. Problems will include opportunities for students to analyze data in charts, graphs, and tables and to use their knowledge of equations, formulas, and functions to solve these problems.
  • COM.02 The student will design, write, test, debug, and document a program. Programming documentation will include pre-conditions and post-conditions of program segments, input/output specifications, the step-by-step plan, the test data, a sample run, and the program listing with appropriately placed comments.
  • COM.03 The student will write program specifications that define the constraints of a given problem. These specifications will include descriptions of pre-conditions, post- conditions, the desired output, analysis of the available input, and an indication as to whether or not the problem is solvable under the given conditions.
  • COM.04 The student will design a step-by-step plan (algorithm) to solve a given problem. The plan will be in the form of a program flowchart, pseudo code, hierarchy chart, and/or data-flow diagram.
  • COM.05 The student will divide a given problem into manageable sections (modules) by task and implement the solution. The modules will include an appropriate user-defined function, subroutines, and procedures. Enrichment topics might include user-defined libraries (units) and object-oriented programming.
  • COM.06 The student will design and implement the input phase of a program, which will include designing screen layout and getting information into the program by way of user interaction, data statements, and/or file input. The input phase also will include methods of filtering out invalid data (error trapping).
  • COM.07 The student will design and implement the output phase of a computer program, which will include designing output layout, accessing a variety of output devices, using output statements, and labeling results.
  • COM.08 The student will design and implement computer graphics, which will include topics appropriate for the available programming environment as well as student background. Students will use graphics as an end in itself, as an enhancement to other output, and as a vehicle for reinforcing programming techniques.
  • COM.09 The student will define simple variable data types that include integer, real (fixed and scientific notation), character, string, and Boolean.
  • COM.10 The student will use appropriate variable data types, including integer, real (fixed and scientific notation), character, string, and Boolean. This will also include variables representing structured data types.
  • COM.11 The student will describe the way the computer stores, accesses, and processes variables, including the following topics: the use of variables versus constants, variables addresses, pointers, parameter passing, scope of variables, and local versus global variables.
  • COM.12 The student will translate a mathematical expression into a computer statement, which involves writing assignment statements and using the order of operations.
  • COM.13 The student will select and implement built-in (library) functions in processing data.
  • COM.14 The student will implement conditional statements that include "if/then" statements, "if/then/else" statements, case statements, and Boolean logic.
  • COM.15 The student will implement loops, including iterative loops. Other topics will include single entry point, single exit point, pre-conditions, and post-conditions.
  • COM.16 The student will select and implement appropriate data structures, including arrays (one-dimensional and/or multidimensional), files, and records. Implementation will include creating the data structure, putting information into the structure, and retrieving information from the structure.
  • COM.17 The student will implement pre-existing algorithms, including sort routines, search routines, and simple animation routines.
  • COM.18 The student will test a program, using an appropriate set of data. The set of test data should be appropriate and complete for the type of program being tested.
  • COM.19 The student will debug a program, using appropriate techniques (e.g., appropriately placed controlled breaks, the printing of intermediate results, and other debugging tools available in the programming environment), and identify the difference between syntax errors and logic errors.
  • COM.20 The student will design, write, test, debug, and document a complete structured program that requires the synthesis of many of the concepts contained in previous standards.

Discrete Mathematics
  • DM.01 The student will model problems, using vertex-edge graphs. The concepts of valence, connectedness, paths, planarity, and directed graphs will be investigated. Adjacency matrices and matrix operations will be used to solve problems (e.g., food chains, number of paths).
  • DM.02 The student will solve problems through investigation and application of circuits, cycles, Euler Paths, Euler Circuits, Hamilton Paths, and Hamilton Circuits. Optimal solutions will be sought using existing algorithms and student-created algorithms.
  • DM.03 The student will apply graphs to conflict-resolution problems, such as map coloring, scheduling, matching, and optimization. Graph coloring and chromatic number will be used.
  • DM.04 The student will apply algorithms, such as Kruskal's, Prim's, or Dijkstra's, relating to trees, networks, and paths. Appropriate technology will be used to determine the number of possible solutions and generate solutions when a feasible number exists.
  • DM.05 The student will use algorithms to schedule tasks in order to determine a minimum project time. The algorithms will include critical path analysis, the list-processing algorithm, and student-created algorithms.
  • DM.06 The student will solve linear programming problems. Appropriate technology will be used to facilitate the use of matrices, graphing techniques, and the Simplex method of determining solutions.
  • DM.07 The student will analyze and describe the issue of fair division (e.g., cake cutting, estate division). Algorithms for continuous and discrete cases will be applied.
  • DM.08 The student will investigate and describe weighted voting and the results of various election methods. These may include approval and preference voting as well as plurality, majority, run-off, sequential run-off, Borda count, and Condorcet winners.
  • DM.09 The student will identify apportionment inconsistencies that apply to issues such as salary caps in sports and allocation of representatives to Congress. Historical and current methods will be compared.
  • DM.10 The student will use the recursive process and difference equations with the aid of appropriate technology to generate compound interest; sequences and series; fractals; population growth models; and, the Fibonacci sequence.
  • DM.11 The student will describe and apply sorting algorithms and coding algorithms used in storing, processing, and communicating information. These will include bubble sort, merge sort, and network sort; and, ISBN, UPC, Zip, and banking codes.
  • DM.12 The student will select, justify, and apply an appropriate technique to solve a logic problem. Techniques will include Venn diagrams, truth tables, and matrices.
  • DM.13 The student will apply the formulas of combinatorics in the areas of the Fundamental (Basic) Counting Principle; knapsack and bin-packing problems; permutations and combinations; and the pigeonhole principle.

  • G.01 The student will construct and judge the validity of a logical argument consisting of a set of premises and a conclusion. This will include identifying the converse, inverse, and contrapositive of a conditional statement; translating a short verbal argument into symbolic form; using Venn diagrams to represent set relationships; and, using deductive reasoning, including the law of syllogism.
  • G.02 The student will use pictorial representations, including computer software, constructions, and coordinate methods, to solve problems involving symmetry and transformation. This will include investigating and using formulas for finding distance, midpoint, and slope; investigating symmetry and determining whether a figure is symmetric with respect to a line or a point; and, determining whether a figure has been translated, reflected, or rotated.
  • G.03 The student will solve practical problems involving complementary, supplementary, and congruent angles that include vertical angles, angles formed when parallel lines are cut by a transversal, and angles in polygons.
  • G.04 The student will use the relationships between angles formed by two lines cut by a transversal to determine if two lines are parallel and verify, using algebraic and coordinate methods as well as deductive proofs.
  • G.05a The student will investigate and identify congruence and similarity relationships between triangles.
  • G.05b The student will prove two triangles are congruent or similar, given information in the form of a figure or statement, using algebraic and coordinate as well as deductive proofs.
  • G.06 The student, given information concerning the lengths of sides and/or measures of angles, will apply the triangle inequality properties to determine whether a triangle exists and to order sides and angles. These concepts will be considered in the context of practical situations.
  • G.07 The student will solve practical problems involving right triangles by using the Pythagorean Theorem, properties of special right triangles, and right triangle trigonometry. Solutions will be expressed in radical form or as decimal approximations.
  • G.08a The student will investigate and identify properties of quadrilaterals involving opposite sides and angles, consecutive sides and angles, and diagonals.
  • G.08b The student will prove these properties of quadrilaterals, using algebraic and coordinate methods as well as deductive reasoning.
  • G.08c The student will use properties of quadrilaterals to solve practical problems.
  • G.09 The student will use measures of interior and exterior angles of polygons to solve problems. Tessellations and tiling problems will be used to make connections to art, construction, and nature.
  • G.1 The student will construct and judge the validity of a logical argument consisting of a set of premises and a conclusion. This will include
  • G.10 The student will investigate and solve practical problems involving circles, using properties of angles, arcs, chords, tangents, and secants. Problems will include finding arc length and the area of a sector, and may be drawn from applications of arc
  • G.10 The student will investigate and solve practical problems involving circles, using properties of angles, arcs, chords, tangents, and secants. Problems will include finding arc length and the area of a sector, and may be drawn from applications of architecture, art, and construction.
  • G.11 The student will construct a line segment congruent to a given line segment, the bisector of a line segment, a perpendicular to a given line from a point not on the line, a perpendicular to a given line at a point on the line, the bisector of a given
  • G.11 The student will construct a line segment congruent to a given line segment, the bisector of a line segment, a perpendicular to a given line from a point not on the line, a perpendicular to a given line at a point on the line, the bisector of a given angle, and an angle congruent to a given angle.
  • G.12 The student will make a model of a three-dimensional figure from a two-dimensional drawing and make a two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional object. Models and representations will include scale drawings, perspective drawings, blueprin
  • G.12 The student will make a model of a three-dimensional figure from a two-dimensional drawing and make a two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional object. Models and representations will include scale drawings, perspective drawings, blueprints, or computer simulations.
  • G.13 The student will use formulas for surface area and volume of three-dimensional objects to solve practical problems. Calculators will be used to find decimal approximations for results.
  • G.14 The student will
  • G.14a The student will use proportional reasoning to solve practical problems, given similar geometric objects.
  • G.14b The student will determine how changes in one dimension of an object affect area and/or volume of the object.
  • G.2 The student will use pictorial representations, including computer software, constructions, and coordinate methods, to solve problems involving symmetry and transformation. This will include
  • G.3 The student will solve practical problems involving complementary, supplementary, and congruent angles that include vertical angles, angles formed when parallel lines are cut by a transversal, and angles in polygons.
  • G.4 The student will use the relationships between angles formed by two lines cut by a transversal to determine if two lines are parallel and verify, using algebraic and coordinate methods as well as deductive proofs.
  • G.5 The student will
  • G.6 The student, given information concerning the lengths of sides and/or measures of angles, will apply the triangle inequality properties to determine whether a triangle exists and to order sides and angles. These concepts will be considered in the cont
  • G.7 The student will solve practical problems involving right triangles by using the Pythagorean Theorem, properties of special right triangles, and right triangle trigonometry. Solutions will be expressed in radical form or as decimal approximations.
  • G.8 The student will
  • G.9 The student will use measures of interior and exterior angles of polygons to solve problems. Tessellations and tiling problems will be used to make connections to art, construction, and nature.

Mathematical Analysis

Probability and Statistics


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