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Enter a set of data points and a function or multiple functions, then manipulate those functions to fit those points. Manipulate the function on a coordinate plane using slider bars. Learn how each constant and coefficient affects the resulting graph.
Students will graph input/output pairs from a simple linear function in order to gain an understanding of basic linear functions.
This worksheet is for use with the Functional Graphs lesson plan (
This worksheet is for use with the Functional Graphs lesson plan (
Function Flyer (Activity)
A more advanced version of Slope Slider, this activity allows the manipulation of the constants and coefficients in any function thereby encouraging the user to explore the effects on the graph of the function by changing those numbers.
This worksheet is for use with the Multi Function Data Flyer activity (
Shows students why a function must pass the vertical line test to be a function.
Enter two complex numbers (z and c) as ordered pairs of real numbers, then click a button to iterate step by step. The iterates are graphed in the x-y plane and printed out in table form. This is an introduction to the idea of prisoners/escapees in iterated functions and the calculation of fractal Julia sets.
Introduces the basic ideas needed for understanding linear functions.
This worksheet is for use with the Multi Function Data Flyer activity (
This worksheet is for use with the Function Revolution activity (
Discusses the notion of functions as a "number machine" with input and output.
This worksheet is for use with the Function Revolution activity (
Data Flyer (Activity)
Enter a set of data points, then derive a function to fit those points. Manipulate the function on a coordinate plane using slider bars. Learn how each constant and coefficient affects the resulting graph.
This worksheet is for use with the Function Flyer activity (
Linear Functions (Discussion)
Discusses functions of the form y = ___*x + ___.
Demonstrates the connections between formulas and graphs.
Give input to the Whole Number Cruncher and try to guess what it did from the output it generates. This activity only generates multiplication and addition functions to avoid outputting any negative numbers. Whole Number Cruncher is one of the Interactivate assessment explorers.
This worksheet is for use with the Two Variable Function Pump activity (
Number Cruncher (Activity)
Similar to the original "Function Machine" but lists input and output in a table and will not let the user attempt to guess the rule without having at least two data points. Number Cruncher is one of the Interactivate assessment explorers.
Introduces students to the vertical line test for graphs of functions.
Possible or Not (Activity)
Review the properties of functions by looking at ten different curves and deciding whether or not they meet the criteria for a graph of a function. This activity simply displays the curves - it does not quiz the user.
This worksheet is for use with the Function Flyer activity (
Teaches distinguishing between possible and impossible graphs of functions as well as causes of graphical impossibility.
Introduces the basic ideas needed for understanding functions.
This worksheet is for use with the Two Variable Function Pump activity (
This worksheet is for use with the Function Machine activity (
Students investigate linear functions by trying to guess the slope and intercept from inputs and outputs. Linear Function Machine is one of the Interactivate assessment explorers.
Students investigate linear functions with positive slopes by trying to guess the slope and intercept from inputs and outputs. Positive Linear Function Machine is one of the Interactivate assessment explorers.
This worksheet is for use with the Function Flyer activity (
Graphit (Activity)
Create graphs of functions and sets of ordered pairs on the same coordinate plane. This is like a graphing calculator with advanced viewing options.
Vertical Line Test (Activity)
Learn about the vertical line test for functions by trying to connect points in the plane to build a function. When you have connected all of the points, you will be told if your graph is a valid graph of a function. Vertical Line Test is one of the Interactivate assessment explorers.
Function Revolution (Activity)
This activity allows the user to find the volume and surface area of various functions as they are rotated around axes. This applet can be used to practice finding integrals using the disk and washer methods of calculating volume.
This worksheet is for use with the Function Machine activity (
Function Machine (Activity)
Students investigate very simple functions by trying to guess the algebraic form from inputs and outputs. Function Machine is one of the Interactivate assessment explorers.
Two Variable Functions (Discussion)
Introduces 2 variable functions as ordered pairs and how to operate perform operations on ordered pairs.
Demonstrates the initial connections between functions and their graphs.
Recursion (Activity)
Graph recursive functions by defining f(0)=C and defining f(n) based on f(n-1).
This worksheet is for use with the Linear Inequalities activity (
This worksheet is for use with the Possible or Not activity (
This worksheet is for use with the Whole Number Cruncher activity (
This worksheet is for use with the Linear Function Machine activity (
This worksheet is for use with the Number Cruncher activity (
This worksheet is for use with the Linear Inequalities activity (
This worksheet is for use with the Slope Slider activity (
This worksheet is for use with the Slope Slider activity (
This worksheet is for use with the Graphit activity (
This worksheet is for use with the Graphit activity (
Linear Inequalities (Activity)
Students create linear inequalities and systems of linear inequalities on a coordinate plane. This is like a graphing calculator with advanced viewing options.
This worksheet is for use with the Data Flyer activity (
This worksheet is for use with the Linear Function Machine activity (
This worksheet is for use with the Whole Number Cruncher activity (
This worksheet is for use with the Linear Function Machine activity (
This worksheet is for use with the Possible or Not activity (
This worksheet is for use with the Number Cruncher activity (
This worksheet is for use with the Slope Slider activity (
This worksheet is for use with the Slope Slider activity (
Introduces all of the 2 variable function and prisoner/escapee notions necessary to understand the Mandelbrot set.
Slope Slider (Activity)
Similar to other "flyers", Slope Slider uses slider bars to explore the effect of the multiplier and constant on a linear function of the form f(x)=mx+b. Explore the relationship between slope and intercept in the Cartesian coordinate system.
Derivate (Activity)
View the graph and the equation of the line tangent to any function at any point on the function.
Graph Sketcher (Activity)
Students can create graphs of functions entered as algebraic expressions -- similar to a graphing calculator.
This worksheet is for use with the Data Flyer activity (
This worksheet is for use with the lesson Conic Flyer (
This worksheet is for use with the Conic Flyer activity (
Multi-Step Functions (Discussion)
Discusses the notion of composite functions as several "number machines" with the output of one machine becoming the input of another.
InteGreat! (Activity)
InteGreat! allows the user to visually explore the idea of integration through approximating the integral value with partitions. The user controls the number of partitions, the upper and lower limits, and the method used to estimate the integral.
This worksheet is for use with the Conic Flyer activity (
This worksheet is for use with the lesson InteGreat (
Derivate (Lesson)
Explores derivatives and the idea of infinity using a geometric interpretation of slope.
Introduces and explains the concept of independent and dependent variables and their applications in real-world problems.
Parametric GraphIt (Activity)
This activity allows the user to plot ordered pairs and parametric equations on the same coordinate plane. The applet is similar to GraphIt, but instead allows users to explore the parametric representation of a function.
Conic Flyer (Activity)
Manipulate different types of conic section equations on a coordinate plane using slider bars. Learn how each constant and coefficient affects the resulting graph. Choose from vertical or horizontal parabola, circle, ellipse, and vertical or horizontal hyperbola.
This worksheet is for use with the lesson InteGreat (
This worksheet is for use with the lesson Derivate (
InteGreat (Lesson)
Students learn about definite integrals through limits and Riemann sums
This worksheet is for use with the lesson Conic Flyer (
This worksheet is for use with the Linear Function Machine activity (
This worksheet is for use with the Vertical Line Test activity (
This worksheet is for use with the Vertical Line Test activity (
This worksheet is for use with the lesson Derivate (
Inequalities (Discussion)
Introduces students to linear inequalities.
Students compare multiple independent variables as predictors of one dependent variable. Students explore correlation and lines of best-fit.
This worksheet is for use with the Multiple Linear Regression activity (
Reading Graphs (Lesson)
Demonstrates the connections between formulas, graphs and words.
This worksheet is for use with the Mandelbrot Set activity (
The Mandelbrot Set (Activity)
Explore fractals by investigating the relationships between the Mandelbrot set and Julia sets.
Slope and Y-intercept (Discussion)
Discusses slope and y-intercept and how they affect a graph.
Introduces students to arithmetic and geometric sequences. Students explore further through producing sequences by varying the starting number, multiplier, and add-on.
This worksheet is for use with the Graph Sketcher activity (
This worksheet is for use with the Mandelbrot Set activity (
Introduces students to plotting points on the Cartesian coordinate system -- an alternative to "Graphing and the Coordinate Plane."
This worksheet is for use with the Multiple Linear Regression activity (
This worksheet is for use with the Recursion activity (
This worksheet is for use with the Graph Sketcher activity (
This worksheet is for use with the Recursion activity (
Sierpinski's Carpet (Activity)
Step through the generation of Sierpinski's Carpet -- a fractal made from subdividing a square into nine smaller squares and cutting the middle one out. Explore number patterns in sequences and geometric properties of fractals.
This worksheet is for use with the Caesar Cipher II activity (
Students practice arithmetic skills. Can be tailored for practice of all types of single operation arithmetic ranging from simple addition to operations with integers and decimals.
This worksheet is for use with the Sierpinski's Carpet activity (
This worksheet is for use with the Caesar Cipher III activity (
Incline (Activity)
This applet allows the user to make observations about the relationship between speed and position and how both of these are affected by initial velocity and the incline on which the biker is traveling.
Stopwatch (Activity)
Functions like a real stopwatch, recording times that you choose. This stopwatch is accurate to the nearest tenth of a second. Parameters: Count up from 0 or count down from a set time.
Defines the notion of prisoners and escapees as they pertain to iterative functions. A prisoner ultimately changes to a constant while escapees iterate to infinity.
This worksheet is for use with the Caesar Cipher III activity (
This worksheet is for use with the Julia Sets activity (
This worksheet is for use with the Sierpinski's Triangle activity (
This worksheet is for use with the Sierpinski's Carpet activity (
This worksheet is for use with the Practicing Arithmetic lesson plan (
Chaos (Discussion)
Introduces the notion of chaos as the breakdown in predictability.
Students learn to identify a variety of patterns using sequences and tessellations.
This worksheet is for use with the Tortoise and Hare Race activity (
This worksheet is for use with the activity Incline (
This worksheet is for use with the Sequencer activity (
This worksheet is for use with the Tables and Chairs activity (
This worksheet is for use with the activity Incline (
This worksheet is for use with the Parametric GraphIt activity (
Line of Best Fit (Discussion)
Introduces the line of best fit through the use of scatter plots with outliers.
A discussion about graphing functions in the polar coordinate system.
This worksheet is for use with the Sierpinski's Triangle activity (
This worksheet is for use with the Julia Sets activity (
This worksheet is for use with the Tortoise and Hare Race activity (
This worksheet is for use with the Sequencer activity (
Students learn basic ideas about graphing points on the coordinate plane.
This worksheet is for use with the Circle Graph activity (
Tables and Chairs (Activity)
Explore perimeter through rectangular and straight-line arrangements of tables, calculating the number of chairs needed to surround different arrangements. Tables and Chairs is one of the Interactivate assessment explorers.
Caesar Cipher III (Activity)
Decode encrypted messages to determine the form for an affine cipher, and practice your reasoning and arithmetic skills. Input your guesses for the multiplier and constant. Caesar Cipher III is one of the Interactivate assessment explorers.
This worksheet is for use with the Derivate activity (
Sequencer (Activity)
Learn about number patterns in sequences and recursions by specifying a starting number, multiplier, and add-on. The numbers in the sequence are displayed on a graph, and they are also listed below the graph.
Step through the tortoise and hare race, based on Zeno's paradox, to learn about the multiplication of fractions and about convergence of an infinite sequence of numbers.
Students are introduced to correlation between two variables and the line of best fit.
Step through the generation of Sierpinski's Triangle -- a fractal made from subdividing a triangle into four smaller triangles and cutting the middle one out. Explore number patterns in sequences and geometric properties of fractals.
Introduces students to lines, rays, line segments, and planes.
This worksheet is for use with the Derivate activity (
This worksheet is for use with the Tables and Chairs activity (
Recursion (Discussion)
Discusses the idea of recursion as it pertains to fractals and sequences.
Introduces students to reading and interpreting graphs.
This worksheet is for use with the Derivate activity (
Julia Sets (Activity)
Enter a complex value for "c" in the form of an ordered pair of real numbers. The applet draws the fractal Julia set for that seed value.
Polar Coordinates (Activity)
This activity allows the user to explore the polar coordinate system. The applet is similar to GraphIt, but instead allows users to explore the representation of a function in the polar coordinate system.

a resource from CSERD, a pathway portal of NSDL NSDL CSERD