Pathways to CyberInfrastructure



Shodor > CyberPathways > Workshops 2007 > Antioch

Coordinate Plane

Topic: Coordinate Plane
Time Duration: 2 hours
Grades: 5th to 8th

Class began by defining a plane and giving examples of a plane. The educator then discussed the number line and reviewed addition and subtraction of integers. The instructor then introduced the Cartesian plane (X and Y axes) and asked the students to locate points on the Cartesian plane (on the board). Next, the teacher explained to the students how to work on the assignments using the browser. In addition, the students explored coordinates using the maze game applet on the Interactivate website. Students enjoyed participating in two different groups and were actively involved in plotting and finding coordinates. The lesson was concluded with a discussion on why coordinates are important in life.

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