Pathways to CyberInfrastructure



Shodor > CyberPathways > Workshops 2007 > WDHill

Review Class Jeopardy

Topic: Review Jeopardy
Time Duration: 2 hours of review.
Grades: K-7th

Today the class played "Review Jeopardy." The class was divided into two teams. The students were given numbers to compete with a person from the opposing team. The game rules were, no shouting answers, and no help unless instructor says so. If the team that chose the question answered it wrong, then the opposing team gets a chance to answer the question for double the original points. There were seven different categories from which the students could choose. Each category had 300 possible points, a 100- point question and a 200-point question. The students battled it out remembering lessons from the beginning of the year. Questions ranged from the first lessons to the last lesson that we taught. Each team member was given one minute to answer the questions. This was a fun and exciting way to review past materials.

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