Pathways to CyberInfrastructure



Shodor > CyberPathways > Workshops 2007 > WDHill

Alice Computer Programming Day 1

Topic: Introduction to Computer Programming
Time Duration: 1 hour class discussion and participation time
Grades: K-5th

This class began by discussing what a computer program does. The instructor explained a computer program as a set of directions for the computer to follow in order to perform a task. The instructor asked the class to explain " How to make a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich." The instructor pointed out some important ideas about programming, while the class went through a discussion. The instructor explained that when you create a program the instructions have to be complete ideas. For example, when a person tells the computer to pick up a knife to use the knife, the computer needs to be told to put the knife down. After the class completed the directions on the board, the instructor explained the concepts of variables and environments.
Next, the class began with an introduction of Computer Programming with Alice. The instructor opened a blank world in Alice and the students helped add items to it. The students began by adding environment items like buildings and plants. The students then added characters to the program like a zombie and the character Alice. The students learned about comment tags and what they are used for during this process of creating the program. Everyone worked together to create a short program with the characters talking and moving around. Even the horse was created to talk. The students were able to see their program in action. It was like creating an animation from scratch!

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