Pathways to CyberInfrastructure



Shodor > CyberPathways > Workshops 2007 > WDHill

WD Hill Spring Workshops
Grades 4-6
10:00am to 12:00pm

Date: 5/8/07
Topic for workshop:Alice Programming Day 2
Instructor: Lateasha Shirer
Number of Students: 10

1. Provide a brief overview of the workshop (i.e. purpose, activities and materials):
This workshop is separated into two different days. The first day was an introduction to Alice and programming. Today, the 2nd day, was to give groups a chance to setup a written program
2. Did the students engage the workshop and ask questions?
Since the activity were group projects the students worked hard adding details. Each student wanted to add a lot of details.
3. Did the students seem to learn and understand the material? For example, can the students explain what they learned?
The students had to use what they learned from Alice day one to create a program. One group had a little trouble, but they received help and did a good job.
4. Is this material appropriate for the K-7 grade level? Is it more appropriate for K-3 or 4-7, and why?
The students loved the animation for Alice. They enjoyed seeing their finished product. One great thing was that students were able to add details to their group program.
5. How do the materials and activities apply to the science and math the students are currently learning?
High school students are learning computer programs. The students at this level are getting a head start on programming.
6. Do you have any suggestions for improving the lesson plans or activities to be more appropriate/effective for this age group?
Alice programs take longer than two days, so plan easy ideas for the students to learn.
7. Additional comments:
Alice tutorials were exciting to watch because the students saw some things that Alice could create.

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