#!/usr/bin/perl # -*- Perl -*- # CONFIG: Change the first line to indicate the Perl binary on your system. # Try "whereis perl" or "find / -name perl -print" ############################################################################### ## ## ## AccessWatch v1.33 - Access accounting for World Wide Web sites ## ## Copyright (C) 1994-1996 by David G. Maher. All rights reserved. ## ## ## ## ## ## Contact Information: ## ## Dave Maher ## ## PO Box 150 Fairfax, VA 22030-0150 ## ## ## ## ## ## Please direct comments to: ## ## ## ## ## ## Please read the included license agreement (readme.txt) before ## ## using this program. Your use of this software indicates your ## ## acceptance of the license agreement and warranty. ## ## ## ## If you wish to modify this code, mail . ## ## ## ############################################################################### ############################################################################### ########## Credits and thanks for great ideas ################################# ############################################################################### ## ## ## A huge thank you to Paul Blackman for ## ## his work on hourly server statistics, including a table of hourly ## ## accesses/hour. ## ## ## ## Thanks to Jeff Boulter for access error ## ## exclusion code, and for his many suggestions and debugging help. ## ## ## ## Many thanks for suggestions and code tweaks: ## ## Chris Brown ## ## Ron Gery ## ## ## ############################################################################### # *** File configuration *** ($base=$0) =~ s/[A-z0-9,\.,\-]*$//; # if you have trouble, define $base as # the full directory pathname that # contains the accesswatch script. require $base.'accesswatch.cfg' || die "Configuration file not found: $!\n"; foreach (@ARGV) { $verbose = 1 if (/v/); # turn on -v command line switch $verbose = 0 if (/q/); # turn on -q command line switch } $summarylink = "current.html"; # Summary information link $detailslink = "details.html"; # Access details link $summaryfile = $base.$summarylink; # Summary Information file $detailsfile = $base.$detailslink; # Access details file $domaincodes = $base.'lib/domain.desc'; # Location of domaincodes database $pagedescriptions = $base.'lib/page.desc'; # Text description of urls # *** Graphics files *** local(%horizbar) = ( 0, "img/blueblock.gif", 1, "img/redblock.gif" ); local(%vertbar) = ( -1, "img/clearvert.gif", 0, "img/brwnvert.gif", 1, "img/ltgnvert.gif", 2, "img/pinkvert.gif", 3, "img/cyanvert.gif", 4, "img/orgvert.gif", 5, "img/purpvert.gif", 6, "img/yellvert.gif", 7, "img/grnvert.gif", 8, "img/bluevert.gif", 9, "img/redvert.gif" ); # *** Other options *** $truncate = 1; # Truncate extra path info for page demand list if too long. $toolong = 50; # If you want to truncate, how *many* characters is too long? ############################################################################### ######## NO MODIFICATIONS MAY BE MADE TO THE FOLLOWING CODE ######## ######## WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THE AUTHOR ######## ############################################################################### # *** Data structures and counters *** local(@accesses); # contains entire list of page accesses local(%domains, %pages, %hosts);# contain list of domain extensions, pages, # and unique hosts, and associates each # with the appropriate count. local(%pageDesc, %domainDesc); # lists of page urls/domaincodes with # corresponding descriptions local(%stat) = ( 'accesses', '0', # count of pages served 'serverCount', '0', # server hits 'hits', '0', # total subdirectory hits 'localCount', '0', # number of accesses from local machines 'errors', '0', # number of answers > 400 from server 'redirect', '0', # number of redirects 'size', '0', # number of bytes transmitted 'uniqueHosts', '0', # computed by UpdateStatArray 'hostPageAverage','0', # computed by UpdateStatArray 'serverLoad', '0', # computed by UpdateStatArray 'localPercent', '0', # computed by UpdateStatArray 'outsidePercent', '0', # computed by UpdateStatArray 'outsideCount', '0', # computed by UpdateStatArray 'accessesPerHour','0', # computed by UpdateStatArray 'accessesPerDay', '0', # computed by UpdateStatArray 'hr00', '-1', # accesses in hour 0 'hr01', '-1', # accesses in hour 1 'hr02', '-1', # accesses in hour 2 'hr03', '-1', # accesses in hour 3 'hr04', '-1', # accesses in hour 4 'hr05', '-1', # accesses in hour 5 'hr06', '-1', # accesses in hour 6 'hr07', '-1', # accesses in hour 7 'hr08', '-1', # accesses in hour 8 'hr09', '-1', # accesses in hour 9 'hr10', '-1', # accesses in hour 10 'hr11', '-1', # accesses in hour 11 'hr12', '-1', # accesses in hour 12 'hr13', '-1', # accesses in hour 13 'hr14', '-1', # accesses in hour 14 'hr15', '-1', # accesses in hour 15 'hr16', '-1', # accesses in hour 16 'hr17', '-1', # accesses in hour 17 'hr18', '-1', # accesses in hour 18 'hr19', '-1', # accesses in hour 19 'hr20', '-1', # accesses in hour 20 'hr21', '-1', # accesses in hour 21 'hr22', '-1', # accesses in hour 22 'hr23', '-1', # accesses in hour 23 'maxhouraccess', '0', # maximum accesses per hour 'minhouraccess', '0', # minimum accesses per hour ); local($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst); local($startTime); local(@mnths, @longmonths); $version = "1.33"; # Do not touch this line, even if you hack at the code! ############################################################################## &Main; #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # AccessWatch function - Main # Purpose : Coordinates everything else... #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub Main { $startTime = time; $currdate = &SetDateInfo; # returns Day/Mon/Year print "AccessWatch v$version starting.\n" if $verbose; &ProcessLog; &PrepareSummaryPage; &PrepareHostDetailsPage; print "Finished - Output is in $summarylink.\n" if $verbose; exit 0; } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # AccessWatch function - ProcessLog # Purpose : Scans through access log and picks out the appropriate accesses #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub ProcessLog { $| = 1; print "Parsing access log..." if $verbose; $| = 0; local($remote, $dash1, $dash2, $date, $tz, $method, $page, $protocol, $protnum1, $size); open (LOG, "<$accessLog") || die "Couldn't open $accessLog\n"; # &FastSearch; # position pointer at start of day using a fast search while () { # start at the current date and push all access relevant info into lists if ($verbose && $stat{'serverCount'} % 50 == 1) { $| = 1; print "."; $| = 0; } #if (/$currdate/i) { chomp; # Un-Webify plus signs and %-encoding tr/+/ /; tr/ //s; s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; $stat{'serverCount'}++; if (/$includeURL/i && (! /$excludeURL/i || $excludeURL eq "")) { ($remote, $dash1, $dash2, $date, $tz, $method, $page, $protocol, $protnum1, $size) = split(/ /); $page =~ s/(.*)\?.*/$1/; $date =~ s/\[//; local($date, $hour, $min, $sec) = split(":", $date); $stat{'hits'}++; # $stat{'size'} += $size/1000; $stat{'size'} += $size; if ($protnum1 < 400 && !($protnum1 eq "302")) { &RecordStats($date, $hour, $min, $sec, $remote, $page); } else { if ($protnum1 eq "302") { $stat{'redirect'}++; } else { $stat{'errors'}++; } } } elsif (/$includeURL/i) { $stat{'hits'}++; ($remote, $dash1, $dash2, $date, $tz, $method, $page, $protocol, $protnum1, $size) = split(/ /); $stat{'size'} += $size if ($size =~ /^\d.*/); # $stat{'size'} += $size/1000 if ($size =~ /^\d.*/); } } # } close (LOG); print " done.\n" if $verbose; } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # AccessWatch function - SetDateInfo # Purpose : Sets global date variables, returns Day/Month/Year as specified # by log standards. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub SetDateInfo { #get current date and return as string (day/month/year)... @mnths = ('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'); @longmonths = ('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'); ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); $year = "19$year"; $mday = "0$mday" if ($mday < 10); return "$mday/$mnths[$mon]/$year"; } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # AccessWatch function - PrintSummaryPage # Purpose : Coordinates construction of summary interface. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub PrintSummaryPage { &UpdateStatArray; if ($stat{'accesses'} eq "0") { print OUT <

No accesses have been made to $siteName.

EOM return; } &PrintStatsParagraph; print OUT < EOM &PrintTableSummaryStats; &PrintTableHourlyStats; # Added with much help from Paul Blackman &PrintTablePageStats; &PrintTableDomainStats; &PrintTableHostStats; print OUT <

EOM } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # AccessWatch function - FastSearch # Purpose : Scans quickly from the bottom of the access log to start # of the current day. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub FastSearch { # parses through access log from the bottom up for speed, searching # for the start of the current day... local($avgday) = 10000 * $hour + 1000; local($logsize) = (-s LOG); local($logoffset) = 0; local($jumps) = 0; $logoffset = $logsize - $avgday if ($logsize > $avgday); seek (LOG, $logoffset, 0); ; $_=; while (/$currdate/i && $logoffset > 0 && ) { $jumps++; # print "$_\n"; $logoffset = $logoffset - 5000; $logoffset = 0 if ($logoffset <= 0); seek (LOG, $logoffset, 0); ; $_=; } # print "***Jumps = $jumps***\n"; } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # AccessWatch function - PrepareSummaryPage # Purpose : Opens summary file, calls functions to write data, closes, and # sets the appropriate permissions. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub PrepareSummaryPage { $| = 1; print "Preparing Summary... " if $verbose; $| = 0; open (OUT, ">$summaryfile") || die "Couldn't open $summaryfile\n"; &PrintHeader; &PrintSummaryPage; &PrintFooter; close (OUT); chmod (0644, $summaryfile); print "done.\n" if $verbose; } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # AccessWatch function - PrepareHostDetailsPage # Purpose : Opens host details file, calls functions to write data, closes, # and sets the appropriate permissions. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub PrepareHostDetailsPage { if ($details) { open (OUT, ">$detailsfile") || die "No $detailsfile\n"; &PrintHeader; &PrintHostDetailsList; &PrintFooter; close (OUT); chmod 0644, $detailsfile; } } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # AccessWatch function - RecordStats # Purpose : Takes a single access as input, and updates the appropriate # counters and arrays. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub RecordStats { #tally server information, such as domain extensions, total accesses, # and page information local($date, $hour, $minute, $second, $remote, $page) = @_; $remote =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/; if ($remote !~ /\./) { $remote .= ".$orgdomain"; } #takes care of those internal accesses that do not get fully # qualified in the log name -> name.orgname.ext local($domainExt) = &GetDomainExtension($remote, 1); $stat{'accesses'}++; $domains{$domainExt}++; $hosts{$remote}++; $pages{$page}++; $stat{"hr".$hour}++; push (@accesses, "$date $hour $min $sec $remote $page") if $details; } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # AccessWatch function - GetDomainExtension # Purpose : Takes a hostname as input, and returns the domain suffix. If # second argument is set to true, then it counts accesses # from the local domain. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub GetDomainExtension { local($domainExt) = $_[0]; local($shouldCount) = $_[1]; $stat{'localCount'}++ if ($domainExt =~ /.*$orgdomain/ && $shouldCount); $domainExt =~ s/.*\.//g; $domainExt = "ip address" if ($domainExt =~ /[0-9].*/); $domainExt =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/; return $domainExt; } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # AccessWatch function - DescribeDomain # Purpose : Takes a domain extension as a parameter, and returns a detailed # description as specified in the domain descriptions file # provided. Caches file into memory if used more than once. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub DescribeDomain { local($description) = "Unknown"; # Default domain description local($domain) = $_[0]; # Domain extension (passed parameter) if ($domain ne "ip address") { if (!(keys %domainDesc)) { open (CODES, "<$domaincodes") || die "Couldn't open $domaincodes\n"; while () { chomp; ($code, $description) = split(' '); $code =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/; $domainDesc{$code} = $description; } close(CODES); } if ($domainDesc{$domain}) { $description = $domainDesc{$domain}; } } return $description; } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # AccessWatch function - DescribePage # Purpose : Takes a virtual URL as a parameter, and returns a detailed # description as specified in the page descriptions file # provided. Caches file into memory if used more than once. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub DescribePage { local($url) = $_[0]; local($description) = $url; if (!(keys %pageDesc)) { open (DESC, "<$pagedescriptions") || die "Couldn't open $pagedescriptions..."; while () { chomp; /(\S+)\s+\"(.*)\"/; $pageDesc{$1} = $2; } close(DESC); } if ($pageDesc{$url}) { $description = $pageDesc{$url}; } if ($truncate && length($url) > $toolong && $description eq $url) { $description = reverse $url; while (length($description) > $toolong) { chop $description; } $description = "..." . reverse $description; } return $description; } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # AccessWatch sort routine - byDomain # Purpose : Sort subroutine for sorting an array by domain suffix. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub byDomain { local($aHost) = ""; local($bHost) = ""; local(@aTemp, @bTemp) = (); if ($a =~ /[^0-9].*\.[^0-9].*/) { @aTemp = reverse split(/\./, $a); foreach (@aTemp) { $aHost .= $_ }; } else { $aHost = "zzzzzzz".$a; } if ($b =~ /[^0-9].*\.[^0-9].*/) { @bTemp = reverse split(/\./, $b); foreach (@bTemp) { $bHost .= $_ }; } else { $bHost = "zzzzzzz".$b; } return ($aHost cmp $bHost); } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # AccessWatch function - PrintHostDetailsList # Purpose : Prints list of all accesses on server - date and page, sorted # remote host. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub PrintHostDetailsList { local(%hostlist) = (); local($bdelim) = "s$;"; local($edelim) = "e$;"; local($pdelim) = "p$;"; print OUT <Access Details

EOM foreach $entry (@accesses) { local($date, $hour, $minute, $second, $remote, $page) = split(" ", $entry); local($timestring) = $date." ".$hour.":".$minute.":".$second; if ($hostlist{$remote}) { $hostlist{$remote} = $hostlist{$remote}.$bdelim.$timestring.$pdelim.$page.$edelim; } else { $hostlist{$remote} = $bdelim.$timestring.$pdelim.$page.$edelim; } } local(@hosts) = sort byDomain (keys %hostlist); local($domainExt) = ""; local($prevdomainExt) = "###"; local($domainDesc) = ""; foreach $host (@hosts) { $domainExt = &GetDomainExtension($host, 0); if ($domainExt ne $prevdomainExt) { $domainDesc = &DescribeDomain($domainExt); $prevdomainExt = $domainExt; print OUT "


\n" } local($entry) = $hostlist{$host}; $entry =~ s/$bdelim/
/g; $entry =~ s/$pdelim/ /g; $entry =~ s/$edelim/\n/g; print OUT "
$host\n"; print OUT "$entry"; } print OUT <

EOM } sub byReverseNumber { $b <=> $a; } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # AccessWatch function - PrintStatsParagraph # Purpose : Prints nice summary of crucial information #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub PrintStatsParagraph { #prints summary of gathered access statistics, with graphical # representation of percentage of hits according to domain print OUT "

Monthly Access Statistics"; print OUT "

\n"; $TotalAccess=&commas($stat{'accesses'}); $TotalHosts=&commas($stat{'uniqueHosts'}); print OUT <$TotalAccess accesses by $TotalHosts unique hosts viewing an average of $stat{'hostPageAverage'} pages related to $siteName. EOM print OUT "Of these, "; printf OUT ("$stat{'localCount'} (%.3g%%)", $stat{'localPercent'}); print OUT " have been from $orgname, and "; $TotalOuts=&commas($stat{'outsideCount'}); print OUT "$TotalOuts "; printf OUT ("(%.3g%%)", $stat{'outsidePercent'}); $TotalHits=&commas($stat{'hits'}); print OUT < There have been a total of $TotalHits hits and $stat{'errors'} errors related to $siteName, accounting for EOM printf OUT ("%.3g%% of total server hits and consisting of ", $stat{'serverLoad'}); $TotalBytes=&commas($stat{'size'}); print OUT " $TotalBytes bytes of information.

"; # Following lines removede to convert to monthly stats # printf OUT ("There have been %3.1f", $stat{'accessesPerHour'}); # print OUT " accesses per hour, and at this rate, $siteName will get "; # printf OUT ("%d", $stat{'accessesPerDay'}); # print OUT " accesses today.

\n"; } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # commas function - # Purpose : insert appropriate commas #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub commas { local ($_) =@_; 1 while s/(.*\d)(\d\d\d)/$1,$2/; $_; } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # AccessWatch function - UpdateStatArray # Purpose : Computes statistics based on accumulated counters. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub UpdateStatArray { # variable descriptions and computations # $stat{'count'} = absolute number of accesses # $stat{'hits'} = number of page related hits on server # $stat{'servercount'} =total number of hits on server # $siteName = description of page # $serverload - % of server hits related to page # $stat{'localcount'} - number of accesses from within organization # $outside - number of accesses from outside hosts # $pctlocal - % of accesses from within organization $stat{'serverLoad'} = 0; $stat{'localPercent'} = 0; $stat{'outsidePercent'} = 0; $stat{'outsideCount'} = $stat{'accesses'} - $stat{'localCount'}; $stat{'accessesPerHour'} = 0; $stat{'serverLoad'} = $stat{'hits'} / $stat{'serverCount'} * 100 if ($stat{'serverCount'} > 0); $stat{'localPercent'} = $stat{'localCount'} / $stat{'accesses'} * 100 if ($stat{'accesses'} > 0); $stat{'outsidePercent'} = $stat{'outsideCount'} / $stat{'accesses'} * 100 if ($stat{'accesses'} > 0); $stat{'accessesPerHour'} = ($stat{'accesses'} / (($hour * 60) + $min)) * 60 if ($hour * 60 + $min > 0); $stat{'accessesPerDay'} = $stat{'accessesPerHour'} * 24; $stat{'uniqueHosts'} = keys %hosts; $stat{'hostPageAverage'} = sprintf("%3.1f", $stat{'accesses'}/$stat{'uniqueHosts'}) if ($stat{'uniqueHosts'} != 0); $stat{'accessesPerHour'} = sprintf("%3.1f", $stat{'accessesPerHour'}); $stat{'accessesPerDay'} = sprintf("%d", $stat{'accessesPerDay'}); $stat{'maxhouraccess'} = 0; $stat{'minhouraccess'} = 0; foreach $hournum ('00'..'23') { $stat{'maxhouraccess'} = $stat{"hr".$hournum} if ($stat{"hr".$hournum} > $stat{'maxhouraccess'}); $stat{'minhouraccess'} = $stat{"hr".$hournum} if (($stat{'minhouraccess'} == 0 || $stat{"hr".$hournum} < $stat{'minhouraccess'}) && $stat{"hr".$hournum} != -1); } } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # AccessWatch function - PrintTableDomainStats # Purpose : Prints table of domains, sorted by number of accesses. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub PrintTableDomainStats { return if ($maxDomainsToList == 0); print OUT <

Accesses by Domain
Domain Description Count % of total EOM local(@countOrderList) = sort byReverseNumber values %domains; local(@domainOrder) = (); local($domainCount) = $maxDomainsToList - 1; $domainCount = $#countOrderList if ($maxDomainsToList == -1 || ($maxDomainsToList - 1) > $#countOrderList); while (@countOrderList) { while (local($tag, $value) = (each %domains)) { if ($countOrderList[0] == $value) { push (@domainOrder, $tag); shift @countOrderList; } } } local(@favDomains) = @domainOrder[0..$domainCount]; local(@othDomains) = @domainOrder[@favDomains..$#domainOrder]; foreach (@favDomains) { local($Mdomain) = $_; local($Mcount) = $domains{$_}; $Mdomain =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/; print OUT "
$Mdomain "; local($description) = &DescribeDomain($Mdomain); print OUT "$description "; print OUT "$Mcount "; $pct = 0.00; $pct = $Mcount / $stat{'accesses'} * 100 if ($stat{'accesses'} > 0); printf OUT (" %3.2f\n", $pct); print OUT ""; &PrintBarHoriz($pct,0); print OUT "\n"; } print OUT "Also, hosts from the following domains visited: " if (@othDomains); foreach (@othDomains) { tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/; local($description) = &DescribeDomain($_); if ($#othDomains) { print OUT "$description ($domains{$_}), "; } else { print OUT "and $description ($domains{$_})."; } shift(@othDomains); } print OUT "\n

\n"; } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # AccessWatch function - PrintTableHostStats # Purpose : Prints table of hosts, sorted by number of accesses. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub PrintTableHostStats { return if ($maxHostsToList == 0); print OUT <

Most Frequent Accesses by Host
Host Count % of total EOM local(@countOrderList) = sort byReverseNumber values %hosts; local(@hostOrder) = (); local($hostCount) = $maxHostsToList - 1; $hostCount = $#countOrderList if ($maxHostsToList == -1 || ($maxHostsToList - 1) > $#countOrderList); while (@countOrderList) { while (local($tag, $value) = (each %hosts)) { if ($countOrderList[0] == $value) { push (@hostOrder, $tag); shift @countOrderList; } } } local(@favHosts) = @hostOrder[0..$hostCount]; foreach (@favHosts) { local($Mhost) = $_; local($Mcount) = $hosts{$_}; print OUT "
$Mhost "; print OUT "$Mcount "; $pct = 0.00; $pct = $Mcount / $stat{'accesses'} * 100 if ($stat{'accesses'} > 0); printf OUT (" %3.2f\n", $pct); print OUT ""; &PrintBarHoriz($pct,0); print OUT "\n"; } print OUT <
Access Details: A list of individual accesses, sorted by host EOM print OUT "

\n"; } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # AccessWatch function - PrintTablePageStats # Purpose : Prints table of pages, sorted by number of accesses. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub PrintTablePageStats { # outputs a table of pages accessed, ranked in order of demand return if ($maxPagesToList == 0); print OUT <

Page Demand
Of the $stat{'uniqueHosts'} hosts that visited this month, each traversed an average of $stat{'hostPageAverage'} pages. Page Location Accesses \% of total EOM local(@countOrderList) = sort byReverseNumber values %pages; local(@pageOrder) = (); local($pageCount) = $maxPagesToList - 1; $pageCount = $#countOrderList if ($maxPagesToList == -1 || ($maxPagesToList - 1) > $#countOrderList); while (@countOrderList) { while (local($tag, $value) = (each %pages)) { if ($countOrderList[0] == $value) { push (@pageOrder, $tag); shift @countOrderList; } } } local(@favPages) = @pageOrder[0..$pageCount]; foreach (@favPages) { local($Mpage) = $_; local($Mcount) = $pages{$_}; local($pct) = 0.00; $pct = $Mcount / $stat{'accesses'} * 100 if ($stat{'accesses'} > 0); print OUT "
"; local($description) = &DescribePage($Mpage); print OUT "$description "; print OUT "$Mcount \n"; printf OUT (" %3.2f\n", $pct); print OUT ""; &PrintBarHoriz($pct,0); print OUT "\n"; } print OUT "

\n"; } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # AccessWatch function - PrintTableHourlyStats # Purpose : Prints bar graph of accesses over the course of the current # day. Thanks very much to Paul Blackman for his work on # this function. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub PrintTableHourlyStats { local($hourBar) = "img/hourbar.gif"; local($hour, $pct); print OUT <

Hourly Statistics
EOM print OUT ""; foreach $hour ('00'..'23') { if ($stat{'hr'.$hour} > 0.9*$stat{'maxhouraccess'}) { &PrintBarVert($stat{'hr'.$hour}, 9); } elsif ($stat{'hr'.$hour} > 0.8*$stat{'maxhouraccess'}) { &PrintBarVert($stat{'hr'.$hour}, 8); } elsif ($stat{'hr'.$hour} > 0.7*$stat{'maxhouraccess'}) { &PrintBarVert($stat{'hr'.$hour}, 7); } elsif ($stat{'hr'.$hour} > 0.6*$stat{'maxhouraccess'}) { &PrintBarVert($stat{'hr'.$hour}, 6); } elsif ($stat{'hr'.$hour} > 0.5*$stat{'maxhouraccess'}) { &PrintBarVert($stat{'hr'.$hour}, 5); } elsif ($stat{'hr'.$hour} > 0.4*$stat{'maxhouraccess'}) { &PrintBarVert($stat{'hr'.$hour}, 4); } elsif ($stat{'hr'.$hour} > 0.3*$stat{'maxhouraccess'}) { &PrintBarVert($stat{'hr'.$hour}, 3); } elsif ($stat{'hr'.$hour} > 0.2*$stat{'maxhouraccess'}) { &PrintBarVert($stat{'hr'.$hour}, 2); } elsif ($stat{'hr'.$hour} > 0.1*$stat{'maxhouraccess'}) { &PrintBarVert($stat{'hr'.$hour}, 1); } elsif ($stat{'hr'.$hour} > 0) { &PrintBarVert($stat{'hr'.$hour}, 0); } else { &PrintBarVert(0, -1); } } print OUT <
Avg Accesses/Hour$stat{'accessesPerHour'}
Max Accesses/Hour$stat{'maxhouraccess'}
Min Accesses/Hour$stat{'minhouraccess'}
EOM #Accesses/Day$stat{'accessesPerDay'} foreach $pct (0..9) { $img = 9 - $pct; print OUT "\"\" > "; printf OUT ("%d%%", (9 - $pct)*10); printf OUT ("%d accesses\n", (1 - $pct/10) * $stat{'maxhouraccess'}); } print OUT <

EOM } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # AccessWatch function - PrintBarVert # Purpose : Prints a vertical bar with height as specified by argument. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub PrintBarVert { local($pct) = $_[0]; local($colorbar) = $vertbar{$_[1]}; local($scale) = 0; $scale = $pct/$stat{'maxhouraccess'} * 200 if ($stat{'maxhouraccess'}); print OUT "\"\"", $scale); } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # AccessWatch function - PrintBarHoriz # Purpose : Prints a horizontal bar with width as specified by argument. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub PrintBarHoriz { local($pct) = $_[0]; local($colorbar) = $horizbar{$_[1]}; local($scale) = 1; $scale = ($pct*8)/log $pct + 1 if ($pct > 0); print OUT "\"";", $scale); } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # AccessWatch function - PrintTableSummaryStats # Purpose : Prints a table which contains general statistics. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub PrintTableSummaryStats { print OUT <

Summary Statistics
Count% of total
Accesses from $orgname $stat{'localCount'} EOM printf OUT ("%.3g%%", $stat{'localPercent'}); print OUT ""; &PrintBarHoriz($stat{'localPercent'}/2,0); print OUT ""; print OUT <
Outside Accesses $stat{'outsideCount'} EOM printf OUT ("%.3g%%", $stat{'outsidePercent'}); print OUT ""; &PrintBarHoriz($stat{'outsidePercent'}/2,0); print OUT ""; print OUT <
Total Page Accesses $stat{'accesses'} 100% EOM print OUT ""; &PrintBarHoriz(50,1); print OUT ""; print OUT <
Total hits related to page $stat{'hits'} EOM printf OUT ("%.3g%%", $stat{'serverLoad'}); print OUT ""; &PrintBarHoriz($stat{'serverLoad'}/2,0); print OUT ""; print OUT <
Total hits on server $stat{'serverCount'} 100% EOM print OUT ""; &PrintBarHoriz(50,1); print OUT ""; print OUT <

EOM } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # AccessWatch function - PrintHeader # Purpose : Creates HTML header for page and sends it to OUT. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub PrintHeader { # *** Do not modify or remove the call to this function. *** # Purpose: creates an HTML header for the page local($totalTime) = time - $startTime; print OUT < $siteName - AccessWatch Summary

Accesses for $siteName
$longmonths[$mon] $mday, $year

AccessWatch took $totalTime seconds to gather current data

EOM } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # AccessWatch function - PrintFooter # Purpose : Creates HTML footer for page and sends it to OUT. # Note : *** Do not modify this function, or remove its call. *** #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub PrintFooter { local($fSiteName) = $siteName; $fSiteName =~ tr/ /+/; $fSiteName = "Unknown" if ($fSiteName eq ""); print OUT < $customFooter

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AccessWatch This page was produced by AccessWatch v$version, a WWW utility written by Dave Maher Copyright ©$year All Rights Reserved, and modified with permission by Bob Panoff
EOM } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # AccessWatch function - PrintTimeString # Purpose : Creates formatted string of text and sends to OUT. # Arguments: 3 integers - The hour, minute, and seconds. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub PrintTimeString { local($pm); local($hour, $min, $sec) = ($_[0], $_[1], $_[2]); if ($hour > 12) { $pm = $hour - 12; print OUT "$pm:"; } elsif ($hour == 0) { print OUT "12:"; } elsif ($hour == 12) { $pm = 12; print OUT "$pm:"; } else { print OUT "$hour:"; } if ($min > 9) { print OUT "$min:"; } else { print OUT "0$min:"; } if ($sec > 9) { print OUT "$sec"; } else { print OUT "0$sec"; } if ($pm) { print OUT " p.m."; } else { print OUT " a.m."; } } __END__