############################################################################### ########## AccessWatch - Custom Configuration Information ##################### ############################################################################### ## For instructions regarding these options, see: ## ## ## ############################################################################### ##### Site Information ##### ############################################################################### $accessLog = "/var/log/httpd/access.log"; # Common locations: # /usr/local/lib/httpd/logs/access_log # /usr/local/etc/httpd/logs/access_log # ask your server administrator for further # help or "find / -name access_log -print" $includeURL = "UNChem|unchem"; # Put a keyword that is common to all URL's # that need to be watched, such as the # base directory name (username, etc.) # multiple possibilities may be OR'ed ('|'). # Set to ".*" to view all server accesses $excludeURL = ".gif|.jpg|shodor.org"; # Place a word common to pages that you do # not want counted. Multiple possibilities # may be OR'ed ('|'). $siteName = "UNC-CH Chemistry Fundamentals Course";# A short description of the page / site name $orgname = "The Shodor Education Foundation";# Organizational name $orgdomain = "shodor.org"; # Organization domain, used for counting # internal accesses ############################################################################### ##### Program Options ##### ############################################################################### $maxPagesToList = -1; # sets the maximum number of entries in $maxDomainsToList = -1; # the corresponding tables. Set to -1 to show $maxHostsToList = 20; # all entries (may be *big*!), or 0 to hide # the table completely. $details = 1; # <-- set to 0 for summary, 1 for separate # page of all accesses sorted by host. This # is only effective if hosts are to be # listed. ($maxHostsToList > 0 or == -1) # Not for medium to heavily loaded sites... $verbose = 0; # <-- set to 0 for quiet mode, # 1 for command line feedback. $bodyArgs = "BGCOLOR=\"\#C0C0C0\""; # Specify any arguments that you want to # the tag of generated documents. # Change the background, text color, etc. # Be sure to escape (put a '\') in front of # any wierd characters, such as \# or \". $customFooter = < EOM # Here, you can provide a link back to the # calling page, with a button, or just leave # it blank. Put anything you want between # the start and end tags, make sure that you # escape (put a '\') in front of any wierd # characters, such as \@ or \%, and make sure # the 'EOM' stays, or you will get an error. 1; ############################################################################### ########### End - AccessWatch Custom Configuration ############################ ###############################################################################