Ways to GiveShodor is a non-profit 501(c)3 research and education organization. Donations are tax-deductible. GOOGLE CHECKOUTOur preferred method for donations is Google Checkout. For donations, Google charges no transaction fee; 100% of your contribution will go to Shodor. CASH OR CHECKYou could also support us with a check made out to Shodor and mailed to us at: Shodor WORKPLACE GIVINGAre you contributing through a workplace United Way Campaign? Did you know that you may be able to designate Shodor to receive all or a portion of your contribution? The Triangle United Way (NC) and many other workplace campaigns across the country have "open designations" - allowing contributors to specify any 501-(c) (3) organization to receive their gift. Perhaps this is an option for you. MATCHING GIFT FROM EMPLOYERCheck to see if your employer matches your contributions and forward the necessary matching gift forms to Shodor. STOCK OR REAL ESTATEA gift of appreciated securities is a way to save taxes and make a gift at the same time. For stock transactions, please contact Pam Hester, Financial Manager, at finance@shodor.org, or Mary Paisley, Communications Manager, at mpaisley@shodor.org or 919-530-1911 with transaction details so we can properly account for the gift. |